June 4, 2015

SALON/Paris; at The Grand Paris Design Festival

SALON/Paris; at The Grand Paris Design Festival

SALON/Paris; at the D’Days

SALON/Paris; at the D’Days

Clickez ici/Click here to see more images (photography JW Kaldenbach)
SALON/Paris; at the D’DaysSALON/Paris: at The Grand Paris Design Festival presents: Lizan Freijsen, Frowijn-Eliens (Liselore Frowijn-Pieter Eliens) MacGuffin (Ernst van der Hoeven), Desiree Hammen, Chris Kabel, Klaas Kuiken, Joris Landman, Lensvelt & Canoof, Jef Montes, NOMAN (Selina Parr & Lara Tolman), rENs, Siba Sahabi, Chateau de la Resle Collection, Tanja Smeets, Dieter Volkers, Sjoerd Vroonland, Juliette Warmenhovenhoven, Sander Wassink and more…

SALON/Paris Will re­locate Dutch designers to Paris where they will offer insight into how they work and think. They will “break down the walls” between the disciplines, the creator and the spectator, the locations and the city and the differences between cultures by producing “in situ” installations and presentations. Content in context is generating the ultimate experience.

This is a typical SALON/ project, the interdisciplinary platform for design, fashion, art & culture from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Gijs Stork and Manon Schaap, the initiators, started SALON/ in 2010, out of fascination to dismantle the walls separating the various disciplines and to place the creative cross-pollination firmly in the middle of the real world.

SALON/Paris will innovate and create a process of collaboration by means of a route along various situations on location. A real-time experience and awareness of ‘Different Dutch Design’. The inquiring working process of designers will lead to new insights, processes and solutions.

Saturday, May 30 at 5:00pm
Habitat 1964 - espace vintage 
Saint-Ouen, Ile-De-France, France