January 30, 2014

WinterSALON/2014: Participants at DutchCulture

WinterSALON/2014: Participants at DutchCulture, Herengracht 474
Chris Kabel, SALON/BJ Report by
JW Kaldenbach (Opening hours from Wednesday to Sunday: 12:00/17:00 hrs. Admission: free)

SALON/BJ Report: by JW Kaldenbach
PhotographyWinterSALON/2014: Participants at DutchCulture
WinterSALON/2014: Participants at DutchCulture

Chris Kabel: Woodring designed during SALON/BJ in Dashilar
WinterSALON/2014: Participants at DutchCulture

Both Chris Kabel and JW Kaldenbach went with SALON/BJ to China in 2013. JW Kaldenbach to cover the SALON/BJ event with his photography. (See those photo's on this blog under the tag SALON/BJ. Kaldenbach is the photographer for SALON/ from the start in 2010) and Chris Kabel to participate. See more on this blog on Chris Kabel's work during SALON/BJ. Salon/BJ Report was previously on show at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven in 2013.

winterSALON/2014: Special dates in February

winterSALON/2014: Special dates in February

February 1
20:00, Magazijn
Live in Your Living Room: Beer Teipe & Reinier van Harten
tickets: www.liveinyourlivingroom.nl

February 2
12:00 - 16:00, Posthoornkerk
Golden Joinery by Painted (Margreet Sweerts & Saskia van Drimmelen)

15:30, DutchCulture
Live in Your Living Room: Luke Nyman
tickets: www.liveinyourlivingroom.nl

February 5
17:00, Dutch Culture
Performance Siba Sahabi & Sara Toscano: ‘Qaina’

February 6
14:30, De Waag
Event: Hypercrafting Fashion with fashion designer Pauline van Dongen.
Registration required: www.waag.org

17:00, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 156
Event with drinks, Performance Eamonn, artist in residence/You Are Cordially Invited

February 7
13:30 - 15:30, Westermarkt 14, at the Kees van Twist residence. (near the Homomonument)
From Arnhem with Love: Supporting the LGBT community and Amnesty International
16:00-18:00, Magazijn: Presentation ‘Eau de la Mode’; Collectie Arnhem. (by invitation only)

20:00, Lensvelt
Event Marga Weimans (By invitation only)

February 8
13:00, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 156
Ongoing performance Eamonn Harnett
18:00 - 21:00, Magazijn
Show by Anne de Grijff, choreography by Martin Butler (By invitation only)
20:00, De Waag
Live in Your Living Room: Theo Sieben & Writersday
tickets: www.liveinyourlivingroom.nl

February 9
11:00, Oude Kerk
Lecture Joris Landman
13:00, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 156
Ongoing performance Eamonn Harnett
15:30, Museum Willet-Holthuysen
Live in Your Living Room: Jürgen Visser
tickets: www.liveinyourlivingroom.nl

January 29, 2014

winterSALON/2014: Participants at Lensvelt

winterSALON/2014 at Lensvelt, Herengracht 178
With Sander Wassink, 
Ma’ayan Pesach, Frowijn & Tilanus Atelier and Marga Weimans
(Opening hours from Wednesday to Sunday: 12:00/17:00 hrs. Admission: free)

Liselore Frowijn and Henriette Tilanus: Share their atelier in an united form.

Sander Wassink and Maayan Pesach:  present their newly designed glassworks

Marga Weimans
shows her newest collection Aerial
 winterSALON/2014: Participants at Lensvelt

About: Marga Weimans
pushes the boundaries of the fashion industry with her designs. She is interested in the combination of fashion and architecture. Her collections are very broad: from haute couture to pret a porter, including architectural showpieces and minimalistic dresses. The designer worked together with several artists from other fields like industrial designers and architects. Weimans wants to show her personal development and innovation in the designs. The realistic everyday environment of her studio is reflected in her work and transforms into a sublime dreamlike world. She incorporates elements of nature and space and uses earth tones and natural fabrics.She works with 3D perspectives and her designs include architectural materials like wood, iron and resin. She also creates her own fabrics by mixing fabric with fiberglass. in this way, Weimans' designs tell a personal story of how her creative ideas come about.
About: Sander Wassink is an artist and designer who encourages us to reconsider our ideas of beauty and aesthetic value. How can we reconsider what is important and what is desirable to include notions of history, memory and the preservation of a past which is slipping away. Amid new construction, new production, and constant proliferation of new forms and facades, Wassink turns his attention to the discarded, the abandoned, the left over and attempts to reimagine what can be done with the already partially formed. What new possibilities exist in the surfaces and materials that are half-built or half-destroyed. Whether his object is the partly demolished facade of an abandoned building, or the everyday detritus from our over productive culture, Wassink asks what new forms and new visions of beauty already exist to be discovered and appreciated. Sander Wassink was a succesful participant at SALON/BJ with his Dashilar-Store project in 2013.
About: Ma’ayan Pesach
recently graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, at the department Man and Leisure. Her work is diverse and contains conceptual design, product, graphic and also art. Most of her projects are influenced by my background and daily personal experiences in different aspects of life. Pesach found out that she tends to be the observer in most situations and projects when starting. She documents, analyzes and questions constantly while gathering the complete information. In most of her work
Ma’ayan tries to bring the fantasy and imagination to the viewer/user to stimulate their curiosity towards their everyday life.
Read About: Frowijn and Tilanus: HERE on this blog

winterSALON/2014: Special date at Huis Bartolotti

winterSALON/2014: Special date at Huis Bartolotti, Herengracht 170-172

By Invitation only: January 31, 2014: De Pauper Cooking Club, Ketter & CO, Collectie Veenhuizen, Design Academy Eindhoven afdeling Man & Leisure)

Ketter & Co is een platform waarin vanuit verschillende disciplines gewerkt wordt aan projecten voor de stedelijke en landschappelijke ruimte.
Ketter & Co komt voort uit het onderzoek naar alternatieven voor de ontwerppraktijk van de openbare ruimte.
Met een zich terugtrekkende overheid en een negatieve houding ten opzichte van de kunsten is het urgent andere wegen te vinden om verbeelding en engagement een plaats te geven in het publieke domein. Uitgangspunt daarbij is het ervaarbaar maken van het ‘beeld’ van een plaats voorbij de grenzen van het esthetisch object of het functionele ontwerp. In de projecten wordt deze thematiek, variërend in schaal en in wisselende samenstellingen door Ketter & Co ontwikkeld.
Vaak verlopen ruimtelijke ordeningsprocessen volgens vaste patronen. Ketter & Co wil deze processen aan de orde stellen en alternatieve modellen onderzoeken waarbij de verschillende potenties en kwaliteiten van de lokatie als uitgangspunt dienen. De relatie tussen de kwaliteit van het ontwerp en het (toekomstig) sociale functioneren wordt onderzocht en zichtbaar gemaakt.
Naast projecten in opdracht initieert de Stichting eigen projecten en onderzoek. Ketter & Co neemt actief deel aan het discours over de grenzen van de ontwerppraktijk en zoekt naar wegen om alternatieven een plaats te geven in de realiteit.
Ketter & Co richt zich daarbij ook op het bij elkaar brengen van overheid en de burger. De voor een werkelijk duurzaam en participatoir proces benodigde ruimte, zonder vooraf vaststaande uitkomst, en dus zonder vaststaand eindbeeld vraagt om het ontwikkelen van nieuwe organisatiemodellen. Daar zal Ketter & Co zich de komende periode op richten.
hek met pixelgraffiti van Ketter & CO

Collectie Veenhuizen is op 27, 29 en 30 januari de hoofddis van het Pauperdiner in het Huis Bartolotti in Amsterdam.
Op welke manier kunnen gevangenen met meer vertrouwen uit de detentie komen? Hoe kunnen de werkplaatsen van de Penitentiaire Inrichting Veenhuizen designproducten produceren? Hoe kunnen de technische vaardigheden van gevangen worden ontwikkeld? Welke verhalen vertellen de producten en diensten, ontworpen door studenten van de Design Academy Eindhoven, over Veenhuizen?

Deze vragen passeren de revue tijdens de Pauperdiners waar de maatschappelijke relevantie van de Collectie Veenhuizen door een uiteenlopend gezelschap wordt bevraagd. De deelnemers onderzoeken de potentie van de Collectie als emancipatoir gereedschap. De Collectie Veenhuizen bestaat uit producten en diensten die zijn ontworpen door studenten van de Design Academy Eindhoven/Man and Leisure en gemaakt door gevangenen van de PI Veenhuizen. Aan elk onderdeel van de collectie is een verhaal verbonden afkomstig uit de gemeenschap rondom de gevangenis van Veenhuizen. De zo ontdekte kwaliteiten en talenten van gevangenen worden verbonden met die van jonge ontwerpers en ondernemers uit de omgeving. Aan de uitkomst daarvan wordt podium gegeven. De collectie is een project van Ketter & Co in samenwerking met Design Academy Eindhoven, Ontwikkelbureau Veenhuizen (provincie en gemeente) en de PI Veenhuizen.
Deelnemers zij o.a. Suzanna Jansen, auteur Pauperparadijs; Tom Yntema, algemeen directeur PI Veenhuizen; Annabelle Birnie, directeur Drents Museum; Andrea van Pol, journalist en programmamaker; Tracy Metz, journalist en Pauline Schuyt van het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie, Universiteit Leiden.

Ketter & Co werkt vanuit verschillende disciplines en samenwerkingsverbanden aan de sociale, stedelijke en landschappelijke ruimte. De kunstenaars en ontwerpers van Ketter & Co initiëren verbindende projecten, stellen vragen en organiseren en ontwerpen oplossingen.
Het Huis Bartolotti (ook Het Bonte Huis) is een grachtenhuis aan de Herengracht 170-172 te Amsterdam. Het is circa 1617 gebouwd voor Willem van den Heuvel tot Beichlingen, één van de rijkste Amsterdammers in die tijd, die veel geld had geërfd van een kinderloze aangetrouwde oom, Giovanni Battista Bartolotti, koopman uit Bologna.

De Pauper Cooking Club (studenten Design Academy Eindhoven afdeling Man & Leisure) verzorgt de diners in de Herenzaal van het Bartolotti Huis. (via ditisroden.nl)

January 28, 2014

winterSALON/2014: Eamonn Harnett

You Are Cordially Invited's very first artist residency just opened as part of winterSALON/2014. You are welcome to visit Eamonn Harnett daily from 12 to 17 hrs at the Oudezijds Achterburgwal 156 for the coming two weeks. Please email us personally at contact@youarecordiallyinvited.nl for an invitation to our special events.
(image: Eamonn Harnett)

"I have taken up residence on the oudezijds voorburgwal 156. I'll be open and working on a project everyday and happy to receive you when the lights are on!" - Eamonn Harnett.

Eamon Harnett is an alumnus from de Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, he graduated at the department of fine arts in 2013.
Eamonn Harnett's graduation project (image; courtesy of Gerrit Rietveld Academie)

"winner of the gra awards
/fine arts 2013.
The jury was extremely impressed by the work of Eamonn.
It expressed clarity, vision and an extraordinary talent.
The visitor steps into a circular hut; the air is scented with baby oil. Eamonn gives performances at different times, but the work also functions without. A video of what previously occurred in the space is constantly playing. It is a work that perpetually changes; with every performance, the hut is also transformed by the touch of the performer. According to the jury, it actually presents the obverse of an artwork: the elements that are needed to create a work. Eamonn uses elements and objects from a plethora of different worlds and inspirations: fetish culture, tribal art, pop art, and so on. The members of the jury experienced the result as a personal mini-mythology. The props Eamonn uses during his performance are made by hand, by the artist. The delicacy with which he makes his work is also a testament to courage. The jury felt that, in finally arriving at this point, Eamonn must have gone through quite a struggle during his time at art school. His graduation project is restrained, slow and silent, but beneath that vulnerability lies a gruesome undercurrent; a contrast between fetish and torture, and tender rituals. The jury looks forward to seeing the work presented in a
larger institution or in a museum. They went on to say, even if it proves painful,
they are convinced he will remain authentic and true to himself. More information about the GRA awards" (via Gerrit Rietveld Academie)

Eamonn Harnett is the artist in residency at the  historic building at the Oudezijds Voorburgwal 156 in Amsterdam
You are Cordially Invited is an initiative of Amsterdam based graphic design studio Cobbenhagen Hendriksen they are co-curating during winterSALON/2014

You Are Cordially Invited is a new kind of art magazine. The launch issue presents a two-dimensional art fair with an international line-up of galleries, showing recent –and often still available– works of art. To help point out the manifold perceptions on art the exhibition is supported by ‘guided tours’, which connects a variety of disciplines such as art, architecture, fashion, design, art history and literature. This way the world of art is entered through different perspectives.
You Are Cordially Invited aims to create a broader audience for contemporary art and culture. Addressing a new generation of art collectors You Are Cordially Invited functions as a professional guide to global trends, references, context and above all beautiful imagery.

MORE You Are Cordially Invited on this Blog

winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn

WinterSALON/2014 was officially opened last Sunday on January the 26th. This day ended with drinks at Magazijn. Guests and SALON/ participants drank "mannen liefde" (men love) beer by Brewery Oedipus  in designer cups (by Klaas Kuiken and Dieter Volkers) And get to hear  a reprise by Imara Thomas singing Puccini. (see more of the opening day here)
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Gijs Stork and Marjo Kranenborg
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Angelo Tromp, Stephanie Gude, Gijs Stork, Marjo Kranenborg
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Charlie Reijnderss and Klaas Kuiken
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Dieter Volkers and Klaas Kuiken


parfum obscure

winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Bart de Baets

Jeroen Theunissen
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn
Edo Dijksterhuis
winterSALON/2014: Drinks at Magazijn

Drinks at Magazijn
Andrea van Pol and Partner
Drinks at Magazijn

Drinks at Magazijn

Drinks at Magazijn

Drinks at Magazijn

Drinks at Magazijn
Imara Thomas
Cathal McKee

Selina Parr of NOMAN
Cathal McKee and Conny Groenewegen
Henri Olai
Manon Schaap waiting in line and Nelleke Strijkers
Selina Parr, Conny Groenewegen and Desiree Hammen
Sander Wassink

Angelo Tromp and Klaas Kuiken